

About liz

Liz believes that there are many gifts to be discovered through the practice of yoga beyond physical transformation. Her passion is to help people on the yogic path through self-inquiry, physical practice and meditation. She believes world peace will be attained once we have all found inner peace. Her teachings stem from the philosophy that the training of the body is the vehicle which leads to the training of the mind. Liz works with a lot of hands-on assist and thoughtful dharma teachings. Liz is a 200 & 500 hr certified teacher. She was introduced to yoga at the age of 16 and it has been a consistent part of her life since.

She is forever grateful to her teachers Kevan Gale and Betty Riaz who have helped her transform from a vinyasa practitioner to life-long student of dharma. Liz is a lover travel, adventure, food and fun! She loves to share this energy in her classes. The flows are intelligent, dynamic and robust.

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