Liberation Yoga School

Liberation 200 hr Teacher Training

September 2025-December 2025

Thank you so much for your interest in the 200 Hour Teacher Training Program! I am overjoyed with the possibility of helping you on the path as many have helped me on mine.

Atha yoga-anushasanam 

Now the Teachings of Yoga Begin

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali I.1

The deepest form of wisdom is realized through conscious experience. This training focuses on helping you discover the wisdom you already hold, find your voice to share that with the world and help you navigate the rasa leela (great dance) of life. Yoga teacher training is not really about learning how to teach movements to students, it is learning how to observe yourself, learn from your experiences and share the learnings with others through living the truth.

We will explore how to create a safe and nurturing but vigorous yoga class that will inspire your students. And we will awaken a deep understanding of and appreciation for the transformational potential of these yogic practices. While our utmost focus is learning to teach, this training also explores Yogic philosophy. You will learn how to cultivate a strong personal practice, how to share dharma/chanting/meditation, improve your sequencing & assisting as well as deepen your understanding of the original intent of Yoga. The 200 hour training focuses on learning to teach, an introduction to Yogic philosophy and a framework of how to live the Yogic lifestyle.

The training includes 200 hours that cover:

  • The History of Yoga

  • The Teachings of Yoga (Dharma):

    • Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    • Bhagavad Gita

    • Hatha Yoga Pradipika

  • Asanas

  • Assisting

  • Sequencing

  • Sanskrit

  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Subtle Body

  • Meditation

  • Mantra, Chanting, Kirtan (Bhakti Yoga)

  • Pranayama

  • Ayurveda

  • The Business of Yoga

  • Practicum (student teaching) with feedback


This training is 90% live, all weekends are in person.

Fridays 4-9 PM

Saturdays & Sundays 9:30AM-6:30PM


September 5, 6, 7

September 19, 20, 21

October 3,4,5

October 17,18,19

October 24, 25, 26

November 1, 2 (Saturday + Sunday only)

December 5,6,7


Early-bird rate (until January 31, 2025): $3000

Full Rate: $3300

This training will certify you with Yoga Alliance.

$500 deposit is required to secure your space. 14 spaces available. Flexible payment plans are an option.

To set up your application interview, please fill out the form below:




  • Participants must be at least 16 years of age.

  • Complete application for admission along with phone, or in person interview. Application to the program does not guarantee acceptance (interviews are to evaluate character, intention, motivation and ability to manage workload and financial requirements).


100% attendance is strongly encouraged. I understand that life happens and emergencies can sadly happen as well, therefore participants are able to miss up to 12 hours during the course of the training with fair justification.

Trainees will need to make up any assignments that they miss in order to graduate. Missed hours must be made up before graduation weekend, if this is delayed, award of certification will be delayed as well. If I must spend extra time outside of the regularly scheduled training for make up sessions- the fee is $35 per hour due at the time of the make-up.

If it is necessary to take a leave of absence for financial or medical reasons, it will be your responsibility to inform me with proper notice and documentation. Arrangements will be made to reschedule training to the next training session or work out a refund plan if needed.


Yoga Alliance’s Code of Conduct is a declaration of acceptable ethical and professional behavior to which all registrants agree with respect to conducting the teaching and/or business of yoga. It is not intended to supersede the ethics of any school or tradition but is intended to be a basis for yoga principles.

Yoga Alliance members—Registered Yoga Teachers (RYTs), Continuing Education Providers (YACEPs), or representatives of Registered Yoga Schools (RYSs)—agree to uphold the following ethical principles:

  • Conduct themselves in a professional and conscientious manner. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that they live up to any commitments they make to their students or to the public, and ensuring that their practices and behaviors conform to the representations they make about themselves in holding themselves as yoga practitioners who adhere to certain precepts.

  • Acknowledge the limitations of their skills and scopes of practice and where appropriate, referring students to seek alternative instruction, advice, treatment, or direction.

  • Create and maintain safe, clean, and comfortable environments for the practice of yoga.

  • Encourage diversity by respecting all students regardless of age, physical limitations, race, creed, gender, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.

  • Respect the rights, dignity, and privacy of all students.

  • Avoid words and actions that constitute sexual harassment or harassment based on other legal protected characteristics.

  • Adhere to the traditional yoga principles as written in the yamas and niyamas.

  • Follow all local government and national laws that pertain to their yoga teaching and business.

Yoga Alliance reserves the right to immediately suspend any member’s credentials and registration for the duration of any pending law enforcement investigation, criminal or civil legal proceedings, or an internal investigation.

Separately, Yoga Alliance may also impose final sanctions on a member’s credentials and registration for cause, including failure to uphold any aspect of the Code of Conduct. For these purposes, prior to imposing final sanctions on the member, Yoga Alliance will provide notice of the basis for the potential final sanction and an opportunity to respond. After review of the evidence, Yoga Alliance will issue a decision as to whether to impose final sanctions, based on its reasonable judgment of the evidence before it. All members agree to hold Yoga Alliance harmless for any losses or damage that they may incur because of the revocation of credentials.