Liberation Yoga School

300 HR Teacher Training

With Liz Guardia & guest teachers

300 Hour Teacher Training
The study and understanding of yoga philosophy holds is indispensable role for a yoga teacher. Beyond the physical asanas and sequences, it is the philosophy that breathes life into the practice, offering a rich tapestry of wisdom and guidance to both teachers and students alike.
Liberation Yoga recognizes the profound impact that the exploration of yoga philosophy can have on the personal and professional growth of yoga instructors. We understand that the true essence of yoga lies not only in mastering the physical postures, but in cultivating a holistic approach to life—one that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. Our teacher training program delves deep into the vast ocean of ancient yogic wisdom, combining traditional teachings with modern applications. We believe in empowering our trainees with a comprehensive understanding of yoga philosophy, enabling them to weave its principles into their classes seamlessly.
Through engaging lectures, insightful discussions, and interactive workshops, trainees will have the opportunity to explore various branches of yoga philosophy, such as Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the concepts of karma and dharma. We dive deep into the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, guiding students through the ethical framework, the physical postures, breathwork, sense withdrawal, concentration, meditation, and the ultimate state of blissful union, Samadhi.
By immersing in these profound teachings, trainees gain a deeper understanding of the underlying principles that govern the practice of yoga. They learn to embody and transmit the essence of yoga beyond the confines of the yoga mat. This understanding allows them to guide their students towards holistic wellness, inviting them to explore the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of the practice.
Through the study of yoga philosophy, trainees develop a more profound connection with themselves and their practice. They begin to weave the wisdom of the philosophy into their teaching, infusing their classes with mindfulness, compassion, and reverence for the yogic tradition. They are encouraged to embrace their true authentic selves and teach from a place of deep integrity and authenticity.
At Liberation, we believe that yoga philosophy is not just an intellectual pursuit but a transformative journey—an invitation to navigate life with greater awareness, compassion, and purpose. As trainees embark on this journey, they not only transform as individuals, but also become catalysts for positive change in the lives of their students.
So, if you are passionate about yoga and seek to deepen your understanding of this ancient practice, join Liberation Yoga for a teacher training program that embraces yoga philosophy as the guiding light on your path. Step into the journey of self-discovery, connect with like-minded souls, and together, let us explore the profound wisdom that lies at the heart of yoga. Are you ready to embark on this transformative adventure?

The training includes 300 contact hours that cover:

  • The Deep History of Yoga

  • The Teachings of Yoga (Dharma):

    • Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    • Bhagavad Gita

    • Mahabharata

    • Ramayana

    • Hatha Yoga Pradipika

    • Tibetan Buddhism

    • Tantra

  • Advanced Asanas

  • Level 1 & 2 Assisting

  • Level 1 & 2 Sequencing

  • Sanskrit

  • Advanced Yogic Anatomy and Physiology

  • Subtle Body

  • Meditation

  • Mantra, Chanting, Kirtan (Bhakti Yoga)

  • Pranayama

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Field Trip to Hindu Temple of Florida and visit with Pandit

  • Sivananda Yoga

  • Ayurveda

  • Prenatal Yoga

  • Modern Yoga

  • The Business of Yoga

  • How to Run Retreats and Workshops

  • Practicum (student teaching) with feedback


Virtual (35 Hours)

Thursday 6-8:30PM for duration of training (with the exception of March 13, 20 & 27th)

Live (250 Hours)

Friday 4-9 PM

Saturday 8-6 PM

Sunday 8-6 PM


Feb 28 March 1 + 2

March 7- 8- 9

March 28- 29- 30

April 11- 12 -13

April 25- 26- 27

May 9- 10- 11

May 16- 17- 18

May 23- 24- 25

June 6- 7- 8

June 13- 14- 15

At home (15 hours)


Early Bird Pricing: $3900 by 12/1/2024

$4100 - $500 deposit required to secure space. 12 spaces available. Flexible payment plans.

About Guest Teachers:

Govinda Das:

Govinda Das is a devotee and member of ISKON Tampa. He is a Kirtanwalla and karma yogi. He and his wife are central to the ISKON community in the Tampa Bay area.
He and his wife will share two practicese that intertwine harmoniously: Bhakti Yoga and Ayurveda. Bhakti Yoga is the path of devotion and love, Ayurveda is an ancient holistic healing system. Together, they offer a profound approach to nurturing the mind, body, and spirit.
Bhakti Yoga: The Yoga of Devotion
Bhakti Yoga embraces the concept of surrendering oneself to the divine through devotion, love, and gratitude. It teaches us to connect with a higher power, cultivating a profound sense of devotion within our hearts. In our classes, we will explore various aspects of Bhakti Yoga, including mantra chanting, singing devotional songs, and engaging in heartfelt meditations. By practicing Bhakti Yoga, we can cultivate a deep connection with our inner selves and the world around us.
Ayurveda: The Science of Life
Ayurveda, a sister science to yoga, is an ancient Indian medicinal system that emphasizes balance and harmony within the body and mind. It recognizes that each person is unique and offers tailor-made solutions to promote well-being. During our Ayurveda classes, we will explore various topics such as understanding the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), Ayurvedic nutrition, season-based practices, and self-care rituals. By incorporating Ayurvedic principles into our daily lives, we can achieve optimal health, balance, and vitality.
The Synergy between Bhakti Yoga and Ayurveda
The beauty lies in the combination of Bhakti Yoga and Ayurveda. As we deepen our devotion through Bhakti Yoga, we cultivate self-awareness and tap into our inner wisdom. Ayurveda, on the other hand, provides us with practical tools to maintain a healthy physical and mental state. Together, they create a holistic approach to wellness. By incorporating Ayurvedic practices into our Bhakti Yoga journey, we enhance our ability to absorb and integrate divine love, leading to profound healing and transformation.

Christina Calandro:

In this lifetime, Christina has been practicing yoga for 22 years and teaching for 10 years. As a teacher, she acknowledges that every Soul has a different journey. She shares a yoga of synthesis and encourages you to tap into your inner teacher and honor what is right for you. She trained to be a Yoga Siromani (teacher of yoga) with the Sivananda lineage via the ancient Indian gurukula style of education, where the student lives and studies with their teacher at an ashram. Christina believes we can learn from all beings (each other, animals and plants, just to name a few!). Her studies continue today both formally and informally. 

Bristol Maryott:


Bristol Maryott is the owner of Jala Yoga and Art in Providence, RI. Bristol is an Advanced-Certified Jivamukti, and prenatal yoga instructor with over twelve years of experience teaching yoga. She is Level 1 authorized by KPJAY and Saraswati Jois in Ashtanga Yoga. Bristol’s practice and teaching is informed by the light and grace of her dear teachers. She is grateful for the tutelage of Jivamukti founders, Sharon Gannon and David Life, as well as senior Jivamukti teachers Lady Ruth & Yogeswari. Bristol also travels to India regularly where she loves to practice with Saraswathi Jois in Mysore. She also has completed an Ashtanga second series intensive with Manju Jois. 
Bristol holds an MA in Art History from the Courtauld Institute of Art in London UK and graduated from Yale with a BA in English. She has worked at Sotheby’s in London and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Bristol believes that art and yoga are complimentary disciplines exploring consciousness. Bristol wanted to create a space where yoga practitioners could both inspire and be inspired by art.

To set up your application interview, please fill out the form below:




  • Participants must be at least 18 years of age.

  • Complete application for admission along with phone, or in person interview. Application to the program does not guarantee acceptance (interviews are to evaluate character, intention, motivation and ability to manage workload and financial requirements).


100% attendance is strongly encouraged. I understand that life happens and emergencies can sadly happen as well, therefore participants are able to miss up to 12 hours during the course of the training with fair justification.

Trainees will need to make up any assignments that they miss in order to graduate. Missed hours must be made up before graduation weekend, if this is delayed, award of certification will be delayed as well. If I must spend extra time outside of the regularly scheduled training for make up sessions- the fee is $35 per hour due at the time of the make-up.

If it is necessary to take a leave of absence for financial or medical reasons, it will be your responsibility to inform me with proper notice and documentation. Arrangements will be made to reschedule training to the next training session or work out a refund plan if needed.


Yoga Alliance’s Code of Conduct is a declaration of acceptable ethical and professional behavior to which all registrants agree with respect to conducting the teaching and/or business of yoga. It is not intended to supersede the ethics of any school or tradition but is intended to be a basis for yoga principles.

Yoga Alliance members—Registered Yoga Teachers (RYTs), Continuing Education Providers (YACEPs), or representatives of Registered Yoga Schools (RYSs)—agree to uphold the following ethical principles:

  • Conduct themselves in a professional and conscientious manner. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that they live up to any commitments they make to their students or to the public, and ensuring that their practices and behaviors conform to the representations they make about themselves in holding themselves as yoga practitioners who adhere to certain precepts.

  • Acknowledge the limitations of their skills and scopes of practice and where appropriate, referring students to seek alternative instruction, advice, treatment, or direction.

  • Create and maintain safe, clean, and comfortable environments for the practice of yoga.

  • Encourage diversity by respecting all students regardless of age, physical limitations, race, creed, gender, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.

  • Respect the rights, dignity, and privacy of all students.

  • Avoid words and actions that constitute sexual harassment or harassment based on other legal protected characteristics.

  • Adhere to the traditional yoga principles as written in the yamas and niyamas.

  • Follow all local government and national laws that pertain to their yoga teaching and business.

Yoga Alliance reserves the right to immediately suspend any member’s credentials and registration for the duration of any pending law enforcement investigation, criminal or civil legal proceedings, or an internal investigation.

Separately, Yoga Alliance may also impose final sanctions on a member’s credentials and registration for cause, including failure to uphold any aspect of the Code of Conduct. For these purposes, prior to imposing final sanctions on the member, Yoga Alliance will provide notice of the basis for the potential final sanction and an opportunity to respond. After review of the evidence, Yoga Alliance will issue a decision as to whether to impose final sanctions, based on its reasonable judgment of the evidence before it. All members agree to hold Yoga Alliance harmless for any losses or damage that they may incur because of the revocation of credentials.